From 1852 -1863, Dr. Michael Steck of Pennsylvania, and a
graduate from University of Pennsylvania medical college, was appointed New
Mexico Indian Agent for the southern Apaches. He was the best of Agents
presaging Tom Jeffords’ work with Cochise’s people in the 1870’s. Steck came to
know Mangas Coloradas quite well. Steck realized that the Apaches had an
outdated raiding economy. His Apache blueprint called for teaching the Apaches
how to farm, raise cattle, and to establish a safe haven for them on a
reservation in the Gila/Santa Lucia area where they would be autonomous and
secure from Pindah incursion. Unfortunately, Steck’s plans ran into political
difficulty as Congress was unwilling to formalize his negotiations with Mangas
through a formal treaty arguing that America had already conquered it from
Mexico. The other difficulty was providing adequate supplies on time to the
Apaches in the form of food, clothing and tools until they became self
sufficient in farming and cattle rising. But because of the uncertainty over supplies (11
pounds of corn for adults and half the amount for children) by the Federal
Government, bi- annual in March/November, as compared to the lavish monthly
supplies available by either raiding or trading in Mexico, Mangus and Cochise
would pull away from Steck, and continued to work out favorable terms south of
the Border even though the war there had intensified.
In 1858, Steck encountered the elusive Chokonen leader
Cochise at Apache Pass. Up until this time the Chokonen band had remained
relatively obscured to the Americans as a separate Chiricahua group. Events
however were occurring in southern Arizona that led Cochise to interact with
Steck. In 1856, American troops under Major Enoch Steen had formally occupied
Tucson ending decades of Mexican occupation. Steen rather than staying there
however left to establish Fort Buchannan at the head of the Sonoita Valley. American
troop presence brought more Americans into Cochise’s territory looking for
gold, copper in the Tubac area. Even more significant was the opening of the
Butterfield Overland Mail Company in 1857-58 through the very heart of Cochise
country. In 1859, Cochise again met with
Steck promising to protect and to even supply wood for the Butterfield Line.
Relations between Steck and Cochise soured over adequate supplies and by the
fact that a young Mexican who he had raised, by the name of Merejildo Grijalva,
escaped to work for Steck. Their last meeting occurred again at Apache Pass in
November 1860 as Steck was planning to leave for Washington. By then it became
clear to Cochise that Americans were long on promises but fell far short of
providing the essential tools to assist his people to transition from
hunters/raiders to ranchers/herders. Steck too had failed to establish a
reservation for his people. Cochise sent Yones the wife of his brother
Coyuntura to explore the possibility of reopening peace talks with Sonora.
Regarding Steck he will pass from the Apache scene and became caught up in the
Navajo war arguing with General James Carlton about the devastation of the “Long
Walk”. Later Steck will turn to mining and then return to Pennsylvania in the
late 60’s.
Mangas attempted at reaching an accord with the Americans
however was not true of the “treacherous” Mexicans toward which he carried a
deep anger. In the winter of 1857-58, Mangas lost two sons in Sonora, leading
him to combine with Cochise in avenging the death of his sons and torching many
Sonoran villages.
(Cochise scouts saw the steady rise of puffs of smoke rising
northeast , waited and then quickly relay the message to Cochise who was then
in his summer Dragoon stronghold reflecting with his brother Coyuntura on
Mexican treachery and growing Pindah presence in Apacheria. The “brown ones he
knew for centuries, pale faces he didn’t know”? His people, Chiricahuas, unlike
Mangas people, had only limited experience with Pindah but the question that
gnawed in the pit of his stomach was how long the mountain fortress of Dragoons
and Chiricahua would protect his people. The runner came to his wickiup
bringing the sad news that Mangas two sons had been killed and he invited
Cochise to avenge their death by meeting him at Stein’s Peak. Cochise at first
hesitated, tightening his fist, turning to Coyuntura grimacing “I must tell
Dos-te-she about death of her two brothers.” He went out into warm sun and
beckoned his oldest wife to come to him sharing the painful news in the Apache
way. She immediately began to wail, to cut her hair and to throw ash over her
face in memory of her brothers. “They are gone” and their names would never be
mentioned again providing a speedy release into the spirit world. Cochise
beckoned his warriors, led by his trustworthy lieutenant Nahilzay. He mount
quickly his favorite Black stallion urging speed by waving his favorite shot
gun over his head leaving the stronghold for Doubtful Canyon, with sounds of
women wishing them success ringing in their ears as they made their way
down the narrow canyon trail. Travelling
rapidly and in small groups Cochise followers joined with Mangas forces. “Let’s
us prepare our revenge on Mexicans for this terrible crime against my people
and my family” Mangas screamed in anguish as his memory reminisced the scenes
of his two dead sons. Fires were light and next four night’s warriors dance/pray
around campfire preparing themselves for combat against their traditional
Mexican enemy. Mangas called Cochise and other leaders to discuss strategy.
“Let’s us break up into small groups rendezvous near Fronteras where we will
spring on the nearby ranches and villages at first sign of light.” “Let them
taste full fury of my pain and avenge their treachery and deceit over the
years!” Striking early the Apaches caught Mexicans off guard and showed no
mercy: burning, killing and looting all they caught or encountered. After
several days of raiding Mangas/Cochise left Sonora and returned to their
respective strongholds to ponder where they were and what there next step
should be with growing Pindah presence.)
Mangas and Cochise
raised a large force of 500 Apaches to avenge the lost of Mangas’ two sons.
Cochise and Mangas conducted a series of devastating raids into Sonora during the
summer of 1858 perhaps killing as many as 300 Sonorans. Younger Apache leaders
emerged during this period including Victorio and his sister Lozen, Warm
Springs, and Geronimo, a war lieutenant of the Bedonkohes Band, who had just
lost his wife, Alope, and mother and three children, to a Mexican attack in the
spring of 1858. Geronimo was so devastated by his lost that he became a loose
cannon as his desire for revenge overwhelm everything else. It was during the
summer of 1858 that he adopted the name of Geronimo (St. Jerome) from his
Mexican adversaries whenever they saw Goyakhla, (One Who Yawns), cried out in
fear to St. Jerome, to protect them! Another prominent Chiricahua was Juh who
came from Nedhi Band, and was closed to Geronimo through marrying Geronimo’s
sister Ishton. He too like Cochise was quite tall but much heavier with a
stutter. In counsel he often relied on Geronimo to speak in his behalf. The
Apache need for revenge finally spent Cochise decided to return to the Dragon
Stronghold with lots of supplies for his people.
Cochise was well aware that Apaches needed Mexican allies to
offset the growing gringo presence in Apacheria. (“Mexican villages and towns
are vital to Apache survival, trade, commerce, supplies, horse, guns” he mused.
He turned to Dos–te-she letting her know of how successful the raid had been
but confided “maybe doing ourselves more harm than good”. He came into wickiup
to dress himself for the night festivities in which warriors would share their
bravery and successes followed by dancing and tiswin. Cochise realized that his
people needed badly these moments of celebration to recover from the growing pressure
placed on their way of life. He came to campfire and took his place next to
Coyuntura listening to rhythmic sound of the drumming which placed him into an
altered state of consciousness in which he relived a village attack seeing in
his mind’s eye how quickly his warriors fell on the unsuspecting Mexicans
farmers emerging mysteriously from the desert floor as they entered their
fields and then rushed the plaza. In minutes it was over. Faces of the fallen
reflect the shock of surprise as they fell to an arrow or knife or spear. And
so it went from village to hacienda until Apache furor was spent and Mangas
signaled “enough!” Hearing his name mentioned Cochise broke from his revere and
returned to the circle to listen to heroic tales of his men to win the
attention of the single Apache women gathering outside to listen. Gaans dancers
appeared, protectors of Apache people, inviting spirit world to provide
abundance and long life to Cochise and Chiricahuas. Dancing/drinking began and
Cochise wiping his mouth from tiswin turned to Coyuntura “let’s take an early
sweat tomorrow to discuss relations with Sonora/Fronteras” “We can’t afford to
burn bridges there”! “Can we repair it?” “Peace brother”.)
At sunrise in July “Father Sun” rose brilliantly and cast it
yellows, reds and oranges across the eerie Rock People who inhabited the
Chiricahuas Peaks, Cochise and Coyuntura met in alcove of pine near a stream
and watched as medicine man constructed the Sweat with willow limbs and covered
the roof with juniper and blankets. They blessed themselves with sage and
entered into the Sweat on their knees as
a sign of humility seeking in the healing mystery of the Sweat guidance ,
and watched quietly as the fireman brought in 7 “Grandfather Stone People” and
placed them into the pit. Once they were arranged the ceremony began with the
closing of the door plunging them into utter darkness save for the light
emanating from the pit in the center of the circle. Cochise, Coyuntura,
Nahilzay, and several other elders, singers and medicine man participated.
Cochise as he listened to the songs, drumming, and sharing’s that occurred in
each Round found himself engulfed by the Steam. It magically allowed him to
release and let go, and he thanked the Creator for the land, the four-legged
and winged creatures that provided food and acted as spiritual guides to the
People and asked for guidance in leading his people. Leaving the Sweat
refreshed he turned to Coyuntura and said “let’s return to Fronteras soon to
re-establish trade with our Mexican neighbors. We cannot fight everyone! The
Americans are tough foes and we need Sonoran weapons/supplies to defend
Returning to Fronteras with his Band, Cochise sent Coyuntura
wife, Yones, who spoke Spanish to sound the Mexicans out. Yones rode back with
a few others to Apache encampment on Rio Bavispe to report to Cochise who was
impatiently waiting for her along with Coyuntura both concerned for her safety.
“Well” Cochise asked? “They promise to meet on some French holiday, sounded like
Bastille Day, promising a fiesta to celebrate a new beginning. Food, music,
dancing and mescal would be provided.” “Can the Mexicans be trusted” Cochise
asked. His mind rapidly reviewed past meetings that ended badly for Apaches.
Turning to Coyuntura, Cochise quietly uttered. “Let’s try it but carefully!”
The next morning drew hot in the Apache camp. It was the
season of Ripening when crops matured and seeds /grasses/corn became
available. As Cochise approached, his
hair was fastidiously groomed hanging down over his shoulders in Apache
fashion, dressed in a beautiful turquoise cotton shirt tied at the waist by a
silver Concha belt he acquired in a raid. He carried a beautiful Navajo blanket
with thunder designs; he motioned to the people to gather around him. He
instructed: “we all know that the Mexicans can be treacherous. So to protect
ourselves in Fronteras let’s now agree to be careful of drinking mescal and if
anything goes wrong separate into smaller groups and travel to the stand of
cottonwoods shaped like herd of Elk along Bavispe. From there we will make our
way quickly northward to Chiricahuas.” A dust whirl suddenly appeared casting a
shadow as they rode to Fronteras. Arriving at Fronteras, Cochise and his lieu
tents approached the city leaders and exchange gifts as a sign of peace.
Cochise the Navajo blanket; the Mexican delegation, Havana cigars.
Apaches/Mexicans mingled together, accompanied by talking; music, shopping,
tortillas, and mescal, when suddenly Cochise heard shouting and gunfire, and
saw Cochon a leader go down and signaled to his people to leave immediately for
the rendezvous. It ended badly for Chokonens who according to Edwin R. Sweeney
“lost 26 men, 10 women and 3 chiefs.” Sweeney, Cochise, pp 112-113.
Cochise returning to western Stronghold trembled with rage
over Fronteras and his own blindness, seeking counsel with Coyuntura about a
new strategy. They sat in silence for some time broken by howling of coyotes in
distance. “The defeat will be avenged, for Apache blood cries out for justice!”
“War with Mexicans means that we must seek an accommodation with the Americans
and once we have worked something out with Pindah we then can create the
impression that an American-Apache initiative is underway making our raids into
Mexico safer and more strategic. Mexicans have always feared an Apache/American
combination! Now the question is where to begin relations with Pindah who we
really do not know as we know the Mexicans.”This incident later appeared in
“San Diego Herald”, Sept.18, 1858;”Los Angeles Star”, Oct.2, 1858. The Mexican
act of deceit triggered another Fronteras attack in September by Cochise/Mangas
from Stein’s Peak which was poorly executed, and led both to return to their
respective northern strongholds licking their wounds to work something out with
the Americans. It was getting much too hot south of the Boarder!
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