Friday, March 25, 2011

Origins of Apache/Migration./Destination/Bands

 Over the last two weeks I have been writing about the Canadian origins of the Apaches, tracing their migration to  the southwest, and discussing how they  received the name "Apache", Pueblo word for "stranger" or"enemy", whereas they saw themselves simply as "Tinneh" or the "People". They finally settled in southwest Texas, New Mexico and Arizona and because of geography they established different Bands. The Chiricahuas were a western group consisting of 4 Bands one of which was led by Cochise. The name Chiricahua means "Mountains of Wild Turkeys" as they were essentially people of the Mountains. Cochise's territory, southeastern Arizona, encompassed about 7000 square miles centering on Dragoon/Chiricahua Mountains which provided him great protection and were his respective Strong holds. The Chiricahuas/Dragoon Mountains were the meeting point of three major eco systems: Rockies,Sierra Madres and Sonorian Desert. Landscape was very important to Apaches.Legend has it that all Apaches came from Whitesands New Mexico where White Painted Lady was miraculously saved in Abalone Shell after  a great flood.

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